Anna Orbanic is a young architect, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna with a degree focus on ecology, sustainablility and cultural heritage.
Her work and research is oriented towards observing and learning from natural processes. Through multidisciplinary collaborations, Anna often involves people from diverse fields to expand boundaries of architecture and the way we think when constructing our built environment.
Starting from the field of architecture, her work expands further into material research; exhibition design; art installations; textile crafts and filmmaking.
the Breathing Ground
(sub-)terranean architecture as an environmental instrument
The Breathing Ground is a research and design project that explores breathing systems and develops a ground bound building for the time of extreme climate. The building - through its shape, physiology and vertical extends - is seen as a climatic apparatus, a breathing device, providing a new public space underground, where temperatures remain stable throughout the year. The proposed builing becomes a vessel of an expanding urban lung. - An urban strategy for reducing the urban heat islands, while offering an unsealed ground for interspecies habitat and a public space for comfort and culture.
research of natural cooling systems in historic buildings
To examine breathing systems further, the Burgtheater, was investigated in Vienna. Behind its representative façade and glorious rooms, it hides a natural ventilation tunnel and rooms for bringing cool and clean air to the windowless theatre hall.
mycelium research, film and installation
project developed by Anna Orbanic, with expertise support of mycologist Nelson Duenas executed with Simon Brugner, Aki Namba, Simon Oberhammer
Haus Lebt / Steierisches Herbst
Haus Lebt / Steierisches Herbst
A collective journey into the old known house and all of its unknowns. A house which we start to dig. Rising from the ground, Mycelia, the underground organism(s), a fungal root-like network, starts to inhabit the tuchsherer house. Feeding on the local textile, the house becomes its laboratory.
Ei Fu - exhibition concept
in collaboration with Sara Orbanic, Monica Ciobotar, Matej Bencina, Francesco Belluati
An exhibition entitled Ei Fu. Memoires de l'Egypte at the Basilica Paladiana in Vicenza, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte. Far from wanting to provide a pre-packaged assessment of the historical figure of the former emperor, the project had as its main objective the representation of the power and the countryside of Egypt, making use of theatre, as a place of the performance.
Interwoven structures
London, 2021
Root growth is encouraged, while the entangled behaviour of the growing within human-made structures is observed as beneficial. The weave is a starting technique, which creates a base structure for the substrate and the seeds (or mycelium) to be combined. Through time and the process of self-feeding, the roots grow stronger and reinforce the woven network. These structural elements in becoming, initially serve as green habitats and flood absorbents while transforming into a source of material for a new urban fabric.
Proximity Island 2020 competition - 1st prize winner
in collaboration with Sara Orbanic, Jakob Czinger, Diana Konovalova
in collaboration with Sara Orbanic, Jakob Czinger, Diana Konovalova
As in the definition of a satellite, the project “ArchiPelago” acts as an artificial body placed in a distanced area to collect information and to provide communication. In this case, it is the matter of an abandoned construct in the north of the Adriatic Sea - coming into being and reawakening after the shutdown of its original function as a gigantic oil rig. There will be a revolutionized station for investigating sea life and to expose its unique environmental changes embedded in a particular setting.